Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pilar,Capiz Tourist Attraction (CAVES)

The Tourist Attraction !

 - CAVES -

A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. Some people suggest that the term cave should only apply to natural cavities some part of which is in total darkness; however, in popular usage, the term includes smaller spaces like sea caves, rock shelters, and grottos.


The Balisong Hill is one of the tourist attractionof Pilar because of ots historical contribution. It is where the famous Battle of Balisong in 1887 happened, between the Casadores-Spanish soldiers and the Pilareño took place. It is located in Brgy. Natividad.
It has a  natural beauty because of the forest and white color of rocks. The place is great for hiking, trekking and rock climbing.

Balisong cave is the graveyard of Balisong Heroes. It is also known as the Butete Cave. The cave has also an archaeological and environmental significance and value. It is untouched with beautiful rock formations. According to a cave expert, its karsts formation and wild-life are unique and its limestones is one of the oldest in Panay Island. The cave is perfect for activities like spelunking.


Puting Bato Cave is abundant if granite and marbles. Its environmental value is preserved because it is privately owned. Mythically, people believed that the cave is inhabited by spirits that could cause illness and bad luck once it is bothered and destroyed. Inside the cave is an altar formation of rocks and stalacite.

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